Hornsby South Public School
Hornsby South Public School is an inclusive and creative learning community focused on excellence in teaching practice and student achievement.
We acknowledge the importance of wellbeing to ensure students and staff maximise their potential. There are forty four different language backgrounds other than English that are represented in our school community. We are proud of the great cultural and language diversity of our school community.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is integrated into all aspects of schooling life. Students are encouraged to use the three core values of Respectful, Responsible and Aspire to guide their decisions in and out of the classroom.
We provide a safe and attractive physical environment with large playing areas. Our school is committed to excellence in English and mathematics and results in basic skills tests and competitions echo this. We have 47.5% of students from 38 nationalities, the largest groups being Chinese and Korean. Distinctive aspects of the school are substantive programs in the following areas: computer education; Italian; enrichment for talented students; band; gymnastics. There is a strong relationship between the school and local community as evidenced by the construction and use of a multi-purpose building which we have named "the YURT".