CRICOS Provider name: NSW Department of Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 00588M
DE International Contacts
Telephone: 1300 300 299 (Option 2)
English as an Additional Language/Dialect
Hornsby South currently has 572 students including 1% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and 76% of students from non-English speaking backgrounds. Thirty-nine different language backgrounds other than English are represented. Our aim is to acknowledge and celebrate the cultural diversity at our school, as well as supporting learners from language backgrounds other than English who are learning English as a second or additional language as well as developing skills in English.
Our English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) teachers work intensively with individuals, small groups, and in classrooms supporting students who are part of our New Arrivals Program (NAP). Our EAL/D program aims to develop students' English speaking, listening, reading, viewing and writing skills, as well as gaining the confidence to participate in informal social interactions. The EAL/D teachers also work closely with classroom teachers to develop individual programs and provide resources that support the learning of the English language across the curriculum.
A Multicultural Day is held each year which celebrates the cultural diversity of our school. We also participate in the statewide Multicultural Speaking Competition. We can organise an interpreting service as required and welcome parent participation at all times.