Hornsby South Public School

Darug and Garigal Land - Respectful, Responsible, Aspire

Telephone02 9489 2410


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Staff list


Mrs Jennifer Davey - Principal (Supervisor for Office Executive/Library/DP/Executive Staff 3-6, School Psychologist, AP C&I)


Ms Carolyn Smith - Deputy Principal (Supervisor for ES1, Casuals, Executive Staff K-2, AP L&S, Mrs Grundy)

Executive Staff      

Assistant Principal - Learning, Support and Wellbeing - Miss K Madden (Supervisor for SLSOs, EAL/D)

Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Instruction- Mrs S Harper (Supervisor for Curriculum & GAs)

Relieving Assistant Principal - Mrs M Black (Supervisor for Stage 1 - Years 1 & 2)

Assistant Principal - Miss M Morales (Supervisor Stage 2 – Years 3 & 4)

Assistant Principal - Miss S Jensen (Supervisor Stage 3 – Years 5 & 6)

SAM - Mrs Anne Horrocks (M-W) (Supervisor for SAOs)

SAM - Mrs Lisa Jerram (Tu, W, Th, F) (Supervisor for SAOs)


KDingoes - Miss M James

KKangaroos - Miss N Burton

KPossums - Miss S Pegley

1C - Miss C Edwards

1D - Miss K Marie - Davies

1M - Miss E Madigan

1/2B - Relieving Assistant Principal - Mrs M Black                 

2E - Mrs E Bell

2R - Mrs K Radcliff (M, Tu) & Mrs L Banks (W, Th & F)

2S - Mrs C stone (M, Tu) & Mrs S Wilson (W, Th & F)

3A - Mrs A Gordon (M, Tu) & Mrs A O'Dwyer (W, Th & F)

3L - Miss L May

3N - Miss L Nicholas

3/4M - Assistant Principal - Miss M Morales 

4A - Mrs M Ayas - Pellizzon

4V - Miss L Vilensky

5J - Assistant Principal - Miss S Jensen                                   

5L - Ms R Lim

5N - Mrs G Nguyen

5W - Mrs K - Wilson

6D - Mr D Moffatt

6M - Miss N Mann                         


PDHPE RFF - Mrs M Ziman

Science RFF - Miss H Love 

Librarians - Mrs C Gilfillan (M, Tu, W) & Mrs K Payne (Th & F)

EAL/D and New Arrivals Program

Mrs S Chambers (M-Th) & International Student Coordinator

Ms D Goranic (M-W)

Mrs B Standingford (Tu, W, Th)

Ms A Tan (M, Tu, Th, Fr)

Mrs C Fitjer (F)

Learning Support                                                              

Mr S Goldfinch - School Psychologist (Tu & Th)

Miss K Madden - Assistant Principal Learning, Support and Wellbeing 

MacqLit - Mrs E Palozzi (M, T, W)

MiniLit - Miss T Morrison (M, T)

Mathematics Intervention - Mrs S Harper (M-F)


SAM - Mrs A Horrocks (M-W) and Mrs L Jerram (Tu-F) & International Student Coordinator

SAOs - Mrs L Petts (M, Tu, Th, F) & International Student Coordinator, Mrs A Jurotte (M, W, Th, F), Mrs C Grundy (W, Th, F)

SLSOs - Mr J Low (Th), Mrs C Grundy (M, T), Ms S Ramchandani (M-F), Mrs H Barillaro (M-F), Mr C Torrisi (M, T), Mrs S Foo (W)

GAs - Mr G Goodchild (Alt. Th, F) & Mr D Chu (M, Tu, Th, Alt. F)

Crossing Supervisor - Mr M Young