Learning and Support at HSPS
Our vision is to create a connected learning community focused on wellbeing, educational aspiration and ongoing improvement. Hornsby South provides the foundation for a successful school experience and helps students reach their full potential.
Our Learning and Support Team consists of the Principal Jennifer Davey, Deputy Principal Carolyn Smith, , Learning, Support and Wellbeing Assistant Principal Kylie Madden and School Psychologist Stefan Goldfinch. The Learning and Support Team is committed to working collaboratively with students, classroom teachers, support teachers, The Team Around the School and parents to meet the individual needs of students.
Students with additional learning and support needs are identified according to the Learning and Support Team procedures. The Learning and Support Team work closely with teachers and families to monitor learning progress and wellbeing.
Hornsby South have established close relationships with local professionals to provide specific learning interventions for students with additional needs. Opportunities exist for students to attend sessions during school hours and their progress is reported to class teachers and parents.
The following businesses work at the school:
Chatterbots Paediatric Therapy which provides Speech Therapy to students and Social Skills sessions for groups of students- Chatterbots | Paediatric Speech Pathology Services.
Therapy and Learning Centre which provides Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy- Physiotherapy | Occupational therapy | Therapy and Learning Centre
Private Psychology sessions- Sara Balmer Psychology
Hornsby South has also formed a close relationship with the NorthernLife Baptist Church in Hornsby. Many volunteers from the church are committed to working with individual students through our Kids Hope Program.
The Early Support Aboriginal Literacy Project have been volunteering at the school for many years. They provide students who identify as being Aboriginal People or Torres Strait Islander People with a mentor to support their learning from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Other programs that are offered at the school are MiniLit and MacqLit which is an explicit and systematic reading intervention program for small groups of students in years 1-6, as well as Numeracy Intervention Program run by Assistant Principal Mrs Harper.
NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.
Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on:
- children starting school with additional needs
- support and adjustments available
- personalised learning and development.